Viticulture Data Journal (VDJ) is an innovative open access peer-reviewed journal which facilitates the publication of data, research articles and other research objects in the area of viticulture. The journal is focussed on submissions documenting the following outcomes of the research cycle: data, models, software, data analytics pipelines and visualisation methods in viticulture research area.

Viticultural research covers a wide range of topics, from genetic research, food safety of viticultural products to climate change adaptation of grapevine varieties through grape specific research. The journal will consider manuscripts for publication related (but not limited) to the following topics:

Phenotyping and genotyping, Vine growth and development, Vine ecophysiology, Berry yield and composition, Genetic resources and breeding, Vine adaptation to climate change, abiotic and biotic stress, Vine propagation, Rootstock and clonal evaluation, Effects of field practices (pruning, fertilization etc.) on vine growth and quality, Sustainable viticulture and environmental impact, Ampelography, Plant pathology, diseases and pests of grapevine, Microbiology and microbiological risk assessment, Food safety related to table grapes, raisins, wine, etc.

ISSN 2603-431X (online)
AGINFRA+Accelerating user-driven e-infrastructure innovation in Food & Agriculture has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731001.
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